
Kirk Players to perform ‘Enchanted April’

The Kirk Players are presenting a refreshing and uplifting romantic comedy for their final fare of the 45th season.

“Enchanted April” by Matthew Barber, based on the novel by Elizabeth Von Arnim, will open at 7:30 p.m. Friday, June 10, at air-conditioned Mundelein High School Theatre. Other performances are at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Saturday, June 11.

The play, which has won several prestigious national awards, centers on two disconsolate English housewives, beset by the humdrum of a rather austere life in England, who decide to change their lives and seek the splendor and beauty of a retreat in beautiful Italy. Along the way they rediscover the joy that giving and expressing love can bring them.

“This is a story that really resonates with today’s world,” said Jon Leslie Lynn, longtime Kirk Player and director of the show. “Rather than continue to accept the rut of their lives, these two women take a rather bold chance. Bad things present themselves.”

Lynn said Lottie Wilton (played by veteran Kirk Player Paddy Lynn) and Rose Arnott (played by new Kirk Player, Gretchen Grassl) teach us that good things must be seen. They choose to see their possibilities, and then act on them, and good things happen.

The play has some interesting challenges — transforming a drab English neighborhood at the beginning of the show, into a beautiful Italian villa in the second act. Veteran Kirk Player and set designer Brenda Sparks has the honor of delivering the Mediterranean splendor of Italy.

“We encountered another interesting challenge as I had to have both British and Italian accents with my actors — what a blessing that there was an exchange student (Gian Luca De Martini) at Barrington High School (where Jon Leslie Lynn is a professor of theater) who is a native of a town in northern Italy. He became our Italian language coach, and then I cast him as the train announcer. I like authentic touches in our shows.”

Rounding out the talented acting ensemble is Kirk Players Bobbie LaBelle as Mrs. Graves, Marilee CC Wald as Lady Caroline, Anna Lieberman as Constanza. The husbands are played by Mike Lieberman as Mellersh Wilton, and Peter Grassl as Frederick Arnott. John Tomlin plays Antony Wilding.

The assistant director is veteran Jen Tomlin; stage manager duties are handled by Taz Fritz, assisted by Jessica Stowe. Technical director is Dom Basso, lighting design is Sara Gunther, props mistress is Fran Hansen, costume master is Fred Vipond, sound design is provided by guest techie, James Torbeck, and new Kirk Player member Lisa Soare is supporting with set decoration. Sara Franklin will handle house manager duties.

Go to to purchase tickets.

Kirk Players’ presents “Enchanted April.” Courtesy Joe Shuman Photography