
State, suburban politicians’ State of the Union reaction

Governor Pat Quinn

“We agree with the President that we can’t wait — we need to keep pushing to restore our economy and the American middle class.

“In Illinois, we are focused on the same issues that the President laid out tonight: creating manufacturing jobs and training our workforce for the 21st century; making education more accessible; modernizing our roads and bridges; and prioritizing housing for our families”

Pat Brady, Illinois Republican Party chairman

“Wasn’t this the same speech as three years ago?”

U.S. Congressman Robert Dold, 10th District

“Coming from a large manufacturing district, I was pleased that the President focused on manufacturing and job-training. I was also pleased to hear the President mention Master Lock, headquartered in Illinois’ 10th District, for their work to bring jobs home. Everyone can agree that jobs and the economy are the most important issue facing our country today, so now is the time to work together, find common ground, and start moving our nation forward. “

U.S. Congressman Peter Roskam, 6th District

“The President spoke about American energy yet didn’t reverse his indefensible decision to deny the creation of 20,000 new private-sector union jobs from expanding the Keystone Pipeline. And while he spoke about taxes and jobs, he missed an incredible opportunity to push for comprehensive tax reform — a proven solution that could unite this entire country and unleash American business innovation — last passed in an election year. “

U.S. Congressman Joe Walsh, 8th District

“The President’s address tonight did not give much ‘hope’ to restoring economic security and creating American jobs. We heard the same ole’ message from the President: more spending, higher taxes, and over regulation. Big government does not and has not worked.”

“As Chairman of the Small Business Committee’s Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax and Capital Access, I would encourage the President to work with us to create a program that does not punish job creators, but incentivizes them.”

Tammy Duckworth, Democratic candidate, 8th Congressional District

“The President’s message — that we must strengthen our economy and ensure that everyone has a chance at the American Dream — resonates with the residents of the 8th District. We need to create jobs, reform our tax code, and make sure that everyone plays by the same set of rules.”

“We must put an end to the extreme rhetoric and partisanship that is gridlocking Washington. That means electing Members of Congress who will put our country before party ideology.

Bill Foster, Democratic candidate, 11th Congressional District

“Tonight, the President said in his State of the Union address that Congress needs to act now to ban insider trading, stating that he would sign their bill.”

“We need to increase transparency, whether its for Wall Street or Congress, because using government information for personal gain is as offensive as it is wrong. It is not an overreaction to hold our leaders to the highest standard and it is time for Congresswoman (Judy) Biggert and her Washington colleagues to send a bill to the President that he can sign.”

Vivek Bavda, Democratic candidate, 10th Congressional District

“I applaud the President, and we do need to do nation building here, investing in our infrastructure like doubling I-94 to create jobs. Cutting red tape will be critical to create jobs now.”

“Investing in community colleges, allowing community colleges to work with employers to train for specific jobs, and simplifying job training programs are critical to ensuring that we all have jobs.”

Brad Schneider, Democratic candidate, 10th Congressional District

“I was pleased to see the President put the economy and our tax code front and center in the State of the Union speech tonight.  The middle class needs a hand up and a clear path forward, and we can only do that when we create fairness in our tax code and equality of opportunity.

Ilya Sheyman, Democratic candidate, 10th Congressional District

“I was glad to hear President Obama place such a focus on creating good jobs and putting the American people back to work. It’s long past time for Congress to back up the President and pass a sweeping federal jobs bill so we can revitalize our economy and rebuild our struggling middle class.”

John Tree, Democratic candidate, 10th Congressional District

“I support his call for extending the payroll tax cut, expanded work study programs so families can afford college and I strong support his clean energy tax credits to create hundreds of thousands of new jobs.

“Bob Dold and the Republicans say if you are a clean energy manufacturer facing unfair competition from China, you are on you own. If you are a straight A student but can’t afford skyrocketing tuition, Bob Dold says you are on your own.”

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