
Campton Hills a sign of freedom

Thousands of municipalities around the United States enjoy the freedom to determine the state of affairs within their boundaries. The process has been going on for over 200 years.

Earlier this year, the citizens of the village of Campton Hills voted to enjoy the same freedom. "Freedom" and "the village of Campton Hills" are, therefore, the same thing.

Building and creating a home takes vision, expertise, resources and time. Destruction takes nothing more than a match in the hands of anyone with a destructive mind.

The leaders of Campton Hills are creators and builders. Why the opposition, who have very cleverly disguised themselves behind the sign "Free us from Campton Hills", would expend financial and personal resources to destroy something synonymous with "freedom" is an unanswered question.

Maybe it's just easier to destroy? Wouldn't it be better for everyone involved if they used their considerable financial resources to help the village rather than resorting to destruction?

Maybe the sign really reads "Free us from Freedom?" Does this make those who seek to destroy the village, against freedom?

I don't know about you, but I side with builders and creators every time. Destruction just feels like a waste of time and money. Who's paying for this anyway?

Beware of the wolf in sheep's clothing.

John Strauss

Campton Hills

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