
Business briefs

Brunswick verdict to affect 2Q profits

LAKE FOREST -- Brunswick Corp. said Wednesday that a jury found for the plaintiff in a patent infringement suit against Brunswick before the U.S. District Court of Northern Virginia. The jury found that Brunswick's Mercury Marine Group had infringed on a patent of Electromotive Inc. that describes a method for engine timing and the firing of cylinders. The jury awarded Electromotive approximately $3 million in damages. The judgment will be included in the financial results to be issued with Brunswick's quarterly report.

Markel obtains Vermont firm

DEERFIELD -- Shand Morahan & Company Inc., a Markel Corp. company, Wednesday announced the acquisition of Cambridge Alliance. Markel Corp. markets and underwrites specialty insurance products and programs to a variety of niche markets. Cambridge Alliance, an errors and omissions insurance provider, will place business with the Evanston Insurance Co. in all states except Illinois and New Hampshire, where business will be placed with the Essex Insurance Co.

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