
Open eyes to area's beauty at creek crawl

A walk through a shallow portion of the DuPage River probably doesn't conjure up images of snorkeling in the Caribbean.

But leaders of The Conservation Foundation's annual Family Creek Crawl on the West Branch of the DuPage River this Saturday in Naperville say the habitat scavenger hunt will unveil some surprises -- even fish that rival those found in the sparkling tropical waters of the Caribbean.

"People will be actually surprised at the many species of fish and how colorful they are," said Stephen McCracken, the foundation's director of watershed protection. "The sunfish have quite splendid coloration. If you do see them at all in the stream, you see the camouflaged dorsal area. When you get them out of the water, they're actually quite beautiful."

The two-hour walk along and in the river is for the hearty and sure-footed, organizers say. They will give a guided tour starting at Knoch Knolls Park that will include such fish species as small mouth bass, green sunfish, crayfish and possibly large mouth bass and carp.

Among other things, the group also will examine flight stages of insects including dragonflies, the damsel fly and the caddis fly, McCracken said.

Members of The Conservation Foundation say the purpose of the creek crawl is twofold.

First, it's a lesson about how man affects nature.

"We hope people see the streams and realize what's going on in there," McCracken said. "Hopefully people will alter their behaviors toward the streams such as putting things in storm sewers or putting pesticides in their gardens."

And second, it's part of the Chicago regional "No Child Left Inside" initiative. That program focuses on bringing children outdoors to play in nature -- something that's gone by the wayside over the past few decades, said Jill Johnson, the foundation's marketing communications manager.

"The point of all of (the foundation's programs) is to get people out and experience nature," Johnson said. "That can make the connection faster than any kind of lecture or schooling."

The Family Creek Crawl starts at 10 a.m. at the DuPage River at Knoch Knolls Park. It costs $5 for foundation members and $8 for others. To register, call (630) 428-4500, ext. 10, or e-mail

If you go

What: Family Creek Crawl

When: 10 a.m. to noon Saturday

Where: DuPage River at Knoch Knolls Park, on Knoch Knolls Road south of Ring Road

Cost: $5 for Conservation Foundation members, $8 for others

Info: (630) 428-4500, ext. 10, or

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