
Saturday Soapbox: A senseless loss

Two 15-year-olds running around with guns in a crowded shopping plaza in Addison. Not surprisingly, tragedy ensues, in this case, the shooting death of 14-year-old Francisco J. Baiza. Francisco was supposed to have to started high school this week. But police say senseless gang violence claimed this young life. Police believe they've solved the crime with the arrest of the 15-year-old boys, one of whom, according to a prosecutor, accused Francisco of being in a rival gang -- which the Addison Trail High School student denied. Questions still remain, such as where did the weapons come from and what more can be done to staunch gang violence.

Two birds with one stone

One issue that should be addressed when Naperville Unit District 203 looks at building improvements is adding on kitchens and cafeteria space. It seems incongruous that one of the wealthiest school districts can't provide a service that is considered basic in poorer areas of the country.

Well-deserved honor

DuPage County Forest Preserve District President Dewey Pierotti has received well deserved kudos from his colleagues. Forest preserve commissioners passed a resolution commending him for meritorious service over the 12 years he has been their leader. During this time, the forest preserves have continued to grow in size, adding much more precious open space and adding to the quality of outdoor recreational enjoyment DuPage County residents treasure. And, as Pierotti noted, this has been done with the help of fellow commissioners who have worked well together in setting preservation policy. We haven't always been in agreement with Pierotti in editorials published on this page. But we know he's dedicated to his job and does it in a professional and progressive fashion. Our congratulations to him on this honor.

Losing a Warrenville icon

The Cenacle Retreat House has given visitors a respite from the outside world for nearly 70 years. Now it appears the outside world is closing in. The 42-acre campus has been put on the market. It has fueled speculation about whether the site will be for houses, a school or stay open space. No matter what happens, a Warrenville icon will be lost. And that's not a peaceful thought.

He should stay to the end

Congressman Dennis Hastert has sidestepped questions about whether he's going to retire early from office. He should stay, if only to prevent a special election that will cost taxpayers extra money. Hastert is known for his loyalty, serving the public and limiting the burden on taxpayers. He would do all three by serving out the term voters elected him to, while giving everyone a chance to vote in his successor in November, not on some random day after the February primary.

From three to nine

Gov. Rod Blagojevich this week signed into law a series of new restrictions on teen drivers that should serve to make the roads safer for everyone. The most promising of the requirements? That teens hold a driver's permit, allowing them to drive under a licensed adult's supervision, for at least nine months instead of three, as now stipulated. Six additional months of adult-supervised driving should make a big difference in how well-prepared teens are when they venture out on their own.

Watch for students

Most suburban schools have opened their doors for a new year. It's a time of anticipation and excitement as students begin with a clean slate and the opportunity to excel in class and see their friends every day. It's also a time for motorists to be even more watchful than usual. Many students will be walking or riding their bikes to school or standing near the street waiting for their bus to arrive.

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