
Some bargain buys are busts

Party supplies. Mascara. Picture frames. All for a dollar and hard to resist.

The bargain buys at discount stores can seem like a deal, but some items aren't even worth the $1 price tag, according to the current issue of ShopSmart magazine, a Consumer Reports publication.

Watch out for the following five items at discount stores, ShopSmart researchers say:

Vitamins. Some multivitamins lacked one or more nutrients listed on the label, while others failed to dissolve properly.

Electrical products: Products like Christmas lights, extension cords and fans might have fake labels vouching for their safety.

Toys for kids under 3. Toys with small parts or sharp edges must be labeled as unsafe for children under 3 years old. But some imported toys, particularly those manufactured in China, might be mislabeled or unlabeled.

Fishy brand names. Counterfeit products sometimes have brand names that sound like well-known brands, such as Dinacell batteries packaged to look like Duracells.

Soft vinyl lunch boxes. Several brands of soft, insulated lunch boxes have tested positive for lead, which can seep into unwrapped food. Some states have recalled the lunch boxes, but the products have turned up at dollar stores.

Attention to retention: Employers, do you know what will send your best workers packing? By asking a few simple questions, you can keep your company's talent from being wooed by the competition.

"Adopt the policy that no one will work at a company longer than one year without being re-recruited by the boss," said Michael Jalbert, president of employment recruiter MRINetwork. "Drop loyalty from your vocabulary and accept that you must continually challenge top talent if you are to keep them."

Jalbert suggests the following questions to learn more about how your employees feel about their jobs:

•If you could make any changes to your job, what would they be? What wouldn't you want to change?

•In the morning, does your job make you jump out of bed or hit the snooze button?

•If you suddenly became financially independent, what would you miss most about your job?

•If you could return to a previous position, what would it be and why?

•What can we do to keep you with us?

After the promotion: You've just landed a promotion. Now what?

Instead of hiding in your new corner office, get your hands dirty in your new position, advises Jan Tomlinson of Chubb Group of Insurance Cos.

First, establish credibility by acknowledging both your strengths and areas of weakness. Enroll in training programs to beef up skills that need improvement.

Recognize your new staff's expertise and use them as resources. Don't be afraid to ask questions.

It might feel uncomfortable, but dive into unfamiliar territory to boost your competency. Even though you're the boss, expect to make occasional mistakes and try to learn from them.

Seek out senior managers and develop working relationships or find a mentor. The head honchos have been in your shoes and can offer advice on how to make the most of your new gig.

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