
Dist. 59 will apply for state technology loan

Elk Grove Township District 59 board unanimously agreed to allow the district to apply for a state technology loan for about $602,000.

If the district receives the money, it would use it for the establishment of local and wide-area networks and the purchase of hardware for classroom instruction, touch screens and projectors, district officials said.

The Illinois State Board of Education loan would be paid for in three years at a rate of 2 percent. More than $20,000 of interest would be paid back, so the total loan would be more than $620,000, said Ruth Gloede, assistant superintendent for business services.

The loan is on a first-come, first-served basis, so the district will likely not know if it will receive the loan until December, district officials said.

One of the larger portions of the loan would be for about $362,000 to replace aging school computers and additional classroom units at elementary schools, Clearmont, John Jay and Rupley.

Another major chunk, about $68,000, would be allotted for 10 safari montages, which are on-demand video clips for teachers to use at various district schools. Four touch screens, called smartboards, and 80 projectors are also part of the wish list, costing about $63,000.

The district has been pushing for more classroom technology. Its desire to bring more computers access to the district is reflected in the increase in spending of $100,000 on technology.

Spending on technology increased from $1.5 million last year to $1.6 million this year, district officials said.

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