
City puts brakes on O'Hare-area tax incentives

Tax breaks for developers always raise some eyebrows, but Des Plaines is taking it to a new level.

Michael Conlan, director of community and economic development, said the city is blocking any developers pitching projects along the perimeter of O'Hare International Airport from getting Cook County 6B tax incentives.

He's calling it a moratorium, saying he's already turned away one business from city hall.

The 6B incentive is geared toward drawing developers to Cook County when they could chase lower taxes in the collar counties.

But Conlan said O'Hare is such an ideal location that no collar county could compete with that, so an incentive is unnecessary.

It came up Monday night as aldermen decided to postpone a vote on a 6B proposal for a site at 1665 Birchwood Ave.

While the location isn't in the area of the 6B moratorium, it prompted questions from 2nd Ward Alderman Marty Moylan.

Moylan wants to know more about how decisions are made about 6B tax breaks.

Commercial properties are assessed at 38 percent of their market value.

With the 6B incentive, they are assessed at 16 percent during the first 10 years, 23 percent during the 11th year and 30 percent during the 12th year.

Fifth Ward Alderman Carla Brookman likens them to tax-increment financing districts for their ability to reduce tax revenue for schools and park districts.

Teschky as supervisor?: Maine Township Supervisor Bob Dudycz plans to officially step down at a special meeting on Sept. 28.

Trustee Carol Teschky, who has held office since 1989, will likely be elevated to supervisor. She wants the job.

"Hopefully, they will agree with my capability with carrying on as supervisor," she said.

She also hopes that township Collector Susan Flosi-Moylan would be chosen to fill her trustee seat.

From there, Maine Township officials would have to find a new collector.

Oakton Open House: Oakton Community College is hosting an open house on Oct. 8 for prospective students and their families.

It will start at 10 a.m. at 1600 E. Golf Road, Des Plaines. The open house will feature information about admissions, career programs, transfer programs, financial aid, student services and activities, and athletics.

Oakton faculty, administrators, staff, and students will be on hand to provide tours and answer questions.

To register, visit, or call (847) 635-1629.

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