
U.S. OKs Yahoo's Zimbra deal

WASHINGTON -- U.S. antitrust officials have approved Yahoo's purchase of e-mail software maker Zimbra for $350 million, the Federal Trade Commission said Monday. Zimbra makes Web-based mail and calendar software that competes directly with products from Microsoft Corp and Google Inc. Zimbra will help Yahoo enhance its decade-old e-mail service, the world's largest consumer service with 250 million accounts.

Bank of America completes purchase

NEW YORK -- Bank of America Corp said Monday it completed its $21 billion purchase of LaSalle Bank Corp. from ABN Amro Holding NV. ABN Amro agreed to sell LaSalle in April when it accepted a takeover offer from British bank Barclays PLC. The sale of ABN was thrown into doubt after a group led by Royal Bank of Scotland later bid for the Dutch bank. LaSalle has about $160 billion of assets, and $59.1 billion of deposits. LaSalle customers now can use Bank of America ATMs.

Greyhound may sell stations

DALLAS -- Greyhound Lines Inc.'s downtown bus stations may be sold and depots moved to suburban areas, new owner FirstGroup PLC said Monday. Greyhound, acquired with the $3.4 billion purchase of Naperville-based Laidlaw International Inc., has 30 city-center bus stations, including in Seattle, Chicago and Dallas, where the unit is based, spokeswoman Kim Plaskett said. The British company is reviewing Greyhound's future after winning antitrust clearance last week for the purchase of Laidlaw and its yellow school bus operation.

New procedures for dialing 630

CHICAGO -- Residential and business customers with 630 area code phone numbers should be prepared for the introduction of the 331 area code on Sunday, AT&T Inc. said. At that time, you will be required to dial 1 plus the area code plus the seven-digit number when making calls. The Illinois Commerce Commission approved adding the 331 area code to the 630 region to ensure that businesses and residents have access to numbers from their carrier of choice. An area code overlay is the addition of another area code to the same geographic region served by an existing area code.

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