
Hillary Clinton isn't a Democrat

Sen. Hillary Clinton, a Democrat, is running for president. God help the Democrats and the Democratic Party.

Hillary grew up in an upper middle class neighborhood in a mostly-Republican Park Ridge. She also married former President Clinton who was elected by Democrats but acted like a Republican. He gave us NAFTA, the World Trade organization, then globalization. All are detrimental to working class Americans. The North American Free Trade Agreement is a Republican creation. The architect of NAFTA was former President George Bush, Sr. NAFTA cost the Mexicans almost a million jobs, America also lost almost a million jobs and gained huge trade deficits. NAFTA did nothing for Mexican workers, evidenced by the huge number of legal and illegal immigrants coming to America from Mexico.

Then Bill Clinton opened the door for China to start dumping their junk on our markets. He made it easy for George W. Bush to allow the Chinese to flood our markets with many products that should have been made here. Millions of jobs were lost because of this policy. Globalization is the root cause of outsourcing our jobs to lower-wage countries. And now we have Hillary, his wife, who wants to be just like him, a Republican's dream.

When it was discovered that Hillary was taking money for her campaign from corporate lobbyists, she said the companies they represented put people to work. What she did not say was that big companies with lobbyists also use illegal immigrants, fire workers who try to join a union, pay no overtime and outsource a lot of jobs.

Bill Clinton and former President Bush Sr. are very close friends. So close that Bill Clinton became more of a Republican than a Democrat. I am sure that Hillary will be influenced by her husband's conservative mentality.

The Democratic Party was the party of blue-collar workers and workers who joined unions. It was also a party whose members were not elitist and wealthy. Hillary will become a nightmare for Democrats; she wants to be just like Bill.

Louis Steh]ik

Downers Grove

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