
Church/state split late gift of courts

It's becoming an atrocity to hear debate and see rhetoric about separation of church and state in the Supreme Court's ruling of 1948. Uneducated people believe that separation is a part of our Constitution. History shows our nation started with the Bible a requirement in class in all public schools.

Studying the Bible was referenced for not only a form discipline for children, but guidance in the governing of this great nation. This was and is supported in the writings of Presidents Washington, Adams and Coolidge.

All laws in America were to be derived from the Jewish 10 Commandments, as written by President James Madison.

If "the people" want to truly separate our religion from government, we could never elect anyone good to run it. Why? What would make them good in the first place? Their own beliefs? If freedom is good, then in a bad government, we would be captivated by it. Real separation of church from state is called communism.

Trying to separate the moral fabric of our country would eventually bring it death. What we need is to put the Jewish and Christian standards back into our roots, although it might take a lot of cow fertilizer in doing so.

This is a difficult task, but not impossible, unless "the people" want be ruled by atheists, agnostics or Satanists. But I think not.

Governments are only as evil as the people it protects and elects. I pray our politicians practice their faith frequently so they are good representatives of our beliefs as a people.

D.O. Goodman

Lake in the Hills

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