
Gilberts hopes special census will add state tax money

In Gilberts, the population sign never stays up long.

Village board members are always taking to down to change it -- the number of Gilberts residents has been growing for more than a decade.

From the years 2000 to 2004, the village added a thousand or so residents to its tax rolls. And from then until the present, village trustees expect that another 2,000 people bought into the booming housing market in this rural community.

They are not sure, however, so the village board will have another special census this year. And if members' suspicions are true, there will be more than 6,000 people living within Gilberts' borders.

"That means money for us," said Tom Wajda, village president. "We've calculated it to be an extra $110 per resident."

That money will come from the state's motor fuel tax and income tax program, which are given to municipalities to provide public services, such as police protection and road maintenance. And if the numbers hold up, the added $211,000 will be most welcome to Gilberts' overburdened budget, he said.

"We have to have more people and equipment," he said. "With the new homes there's more streets to plow and maintain, and more people to provide other services to."

Officials could wait until the national 2010 census, but they need the money now, he said.

Before village board members get a dime, through, work must be done, said Darlene Mueller, village clerk. Part-time census workers must be hired.

"We need a pool of 110 applications before we can even start. From that, we'll hire about 25 people to work as enumerators, crew leaders and clerical staff," he said.

"We already have about 20 people signed up."

The 20-hour-a-week jobs will last from four to six weeks. People hired will be paid at least $13.75 an hour.

"We're looking for people who are at least 18 years old and in good health. They need a Social Security number and to be able to work in the United States," she said. "If they can speak English and Spanish, it will be a plus."

The census will not encompass the entire village. Residents living in the older section won't be counted. Those living in the Gilberts Town Center, and other neighborhoods being built, will be counted.

Applications for the census jobs can be obtained at the village hall, 87 Galligan Road. For details, call (847) 428-2861.

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