
Illegal immigration remains a big issue

For many Americans, the immigration issue seems to have diminished in importance and urgency since the Senate defeated the comprehensive immigration reform bill in June of this year with a final vote tally of 46-53. But has the immigration issue been superseded by other issues? Definitely not! Much has been happening locally, statewide, and throughout this nation in the past several months. Some of it good, but most of it involve actions of those at all levels of government who have no qualms in allowing defiance and law breaking to rule in their districts.

Here in Illinois, Chicago has classified itself as a sanctuary city by its refusal to assist the federal government in identifying or deporting illegal immigrants. In September of this year, a new center was established in Chicago which offers an array of services to help ease immigrants' transition and to serve as a welcoming link to "newcomers."

Closer to home, the Daily Herald revealed that activists in Waukegan are preparing the immigrant community through coaching aimed at countering any stepped up enforcement. Recently a group of immigrants protesting in front of Rep. Mark Kirk's Waukegan office, assisted by Latino organization, were demanding of Kirk to vote in favor of legislation that would grant blanket immunity to illegal immigrants.

Educational-wise, the Waukegan School District is the first district in Illinois where alarm bells have been raised over the flood of Spanish-speaking students into the district and where teachers who educate in English only are in fear of losing their jobs. It is astounding that Waukegan's Bilingual Program -- of questionable success -- includes 4,600 students out of a total district enrollment of about 16,000 students!

It seems apparent that the illegal immigration issue is not going away soon. A respected group, Californians for Population Stabilization, in a report unveiled on Sept. 5, estimated that this nation's illegal population is actually between 20 and 38 million. Recently President Felipe Calderon of Mexico had the audacity to demand that the U.S. respect "the right to work wherever one can make the greatest contribution."

Getting control of our nation's borders must come first before there is any talk of guest worker programs and citizenship rights. The anchor baby problem must also be addressed where children of illegal immigrants have an automatic path to citizenship. For a nation without secure borders, where the rule of law is flaunted without fear and appropriate repercussions, and where added burdens are placed upon taxpayers to provide an array of benefits and services for illegal immigrants is headed for failure and even anarchy. A nation to survive must be able to sustain its national identity, shared values, and shared language. America is presently failing in all three areas.

Nancy J. Thorner

Lake Bluff

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