
No deal, no strike date in Dist. 211

The Palatine-Schaumburg High School District 211 teachers union president and superintendent emerged from a federal mediation session today sounding cautiously positive.

No settlement was reached today in the ongoing labor strife that has brought the unions to the brink of a strike - but the union president also did not set a strike date.

And the two sides did agree to meet again Monday.

Following today's nearly three-hour mediation - the first between the two sides in weeks - union President John Braglia said he would not set a strike date at least until after Monday's session.

The union could legally declare a strike at any time, and are eyeing next week. Monday is a scheduled institute day when students are out of class, anyway.

Neither Braglia nor Superintendent Roger Thornton would disclose specifically what the two sides discussed.

Earlier Coverage Stories Dist. 211, teachers back at table; could declare strike today [11/01/07]Police, union make plans for peaceful picket [11/01/07]Union, Dist. 211 board make postseason demands [11/01/07]Strike FAQ: The facts behind the issues [10/30/07]Looks like it's a win for sports [10/30/07]New Dist. 211 stance puts coaches on spot [10/30/07]Teachers picket Dist. 211 meeting [10/26/07] Have any questions? We'll do our best to get you answers. Email Daily Herald reporter Ashok Selvam at Related Links Twp. High School Dist. 211NW Suburban Teachers Union, Local 1211

Braglia did say on the first things addressed were public comments that were deemed counterproductive to negotiations.

"I'm just pleased that the board agreed to come back to the table," Braglia said.

He said he'd call his outlook "realistic" versus "optimistic" when it comes to the likelihood of averting a strike.

Thornton said the two sides made progress in working toward a deal that fell into the parameters set forth by the board of education, saying he was hopefully the issues could be resolved.

By 4:30 p.m., dozens of teachers had gathered in front of the district office parking lot in Palatine to picket. Teachers also plan to picket Friday.

Spring talks broke down in August over the teachers' base-salary raise for the current school year. The union rejected a 2.5 percent base-pay raise offer and asked for 3.8 percent.

The five-school district is the largest in the state.

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