
Dist. 211 strike talks on break

Salary talks between teachers and Palatine-Schaumburg High School District 211 have broken for dinner, but both sides are expected to resume bargaining in about an hour.

"It's going back and forth," Union President John Braglia said as he emerged about 5:30 p.m. from the room where talks have been going on since 8 a.m.

"This is what we should have been doing weeks ago."

Braglia said he and his team would return after dinner to examine the offer district officials are currently preparing.

He was hopeful a settlement could be reached tonight but would not comment on whether progress is being made.

Likewise, Superintendent Roger Thornton said his team would be busy working over the next hour, but said nothing further.

The teachers union has threatened to strike the district's five high schools Thursday morning unless they have a tentative agreement on salary raises for the current 2007-08 school year.

It would be the first teacher strike in District 211 history.

The union leadership says it will present the district's final offer to the membership Wednesday night for a vote.

If the union rejects that offer, they would strike the next day.

A federal mediator is presiding over Monday's talks.

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