
United workers picket

About 20 United Airline pilots and flight attendants staged another picket Monday, this time in front of Motorola's headquarters in Schaumburg.

Motorola is one of United's largest customers. The unions have staged about 25 similar pickets at other companies and airports since last May. The unions are seeking to bring their pay grievances and other concerns to customers, said Air Line Pilots Association spokesman Jerry Leber.

"We're trying to do two things: One is to be in contact with as many customers as possible and to provide them information on what has been happening. And, two, to build unity," said Leber.

To date, the unions and UAL have been talking but not negotiating, Leber said.

The unions are seeking to re-open negotiations on their contracts, which become amendable in 2010. United officials have said they recognize the concerns of the union but will not open negotiations before May 2009.

"We are focused on making the right decisions for our company, and we have a bright future ahead of us as evidenced by our third-quarter results, including more than $100 million earned so far this year for profit sharing for all of our employees, and more than 2,000 new pilot applications for jobs at United," United spokeswoman Jean Medina said.

Monday's picket lasted about an hour. A similar picket was held a few weeks ago at Abbott Laboratories in Libertyville Township. More pickets are set for Phoenix on Wednesday and Washington, D.C. on Thursday.

Motorola spokesman Chuck Kaiser said the picketers stayed on public property. "Our business operations were not affected by this morning's protest and this dispute does not involve Motorola," Kaiser said.

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