
Soapbox: Good show

The Geneva Cultural Arts Commission deserves recognition for holding the city's first film festival last Saturday. The event featured showings of short films, some by local film makers; workshops; and an awards dinner. It provided some valuable spice to the usual cultural menu. It also offered local residents an event not found often in the far Western suburbs. We hope the commission continues with this and other unique events.

Here's how to get what you want:

Message to the Stop Campton Hills Public Action Committee: There isn't a bogeyman behind every door. As the group churns toward its 2,400-signature goal of getting a referendum on the ballot to dissolve Campton Hills, scare is in its air. The group claims the village will raise taxes to support itself. Village officials say no taxes will arise without referendum. The opponents don't believe it. They're wrong. Residents will be in control, for the most part, regarding how high their taxes go. Incorporation opponents, though, can always try to get their point of view across by spending their time and money getting their people seated on the village board. Just don't forget to vote.

Piece of history saved

The wooden Viking ship that sailed from Norway to Chicago for the 1893 Columbian Exposition won a new life this week. The decaying ship, pieces of which are in the Museum of Science and Industry, now sits under a canopy in Good Templar Park in Geneva. It has won a $52,000 reprieve from the Partners in Preservation Program. The ship, a reminder that Viking Leif Erikson journeyed to the New World 500 years before Columbus, will get a fix-up and a new storage facility. And a tiny piece of history will be saved. Better yet, it'll be saved without taxpayer money.

Can't be defamed in church?

Interesting argument from a Crystal Lake priest being sued by a man who claims the priest defamed him in a speech in church. The Rev. Luis Alfredo Rios of St. Thomas the Apostle Church in Crystal Lake is arguing that the court should dismiss the suit by Angel Llavona against him and the Rockford Diocese because religious ceremonies are protected from government judgment and interference. Maybe so, but it's just as likely a court could argue that no one loses their civil rights just because they decided to go to church, either. A case worth following.

Beyond braggin' rights

For the first time in 43 years, today's game between Northwestern and Illinois will mean something to both teams. The winner automatically moves up the bowl bid ladder. The last time both teams had winning records coming into the game was 1964. All over the state, colleges and universities are battling for postseason play. Kudos to Southern Illinois (9-1) and Eastern Illinois (7-3) for being among the best in their divisions.

Tragedy to hope

The tragedy of Oct. 27 when a double-decker trailer carrying 59 horses overturned in Lake County won't soon fade from the memory of those who were there. But some of the pain is being eased knowing the surviving 41 draft horses are on their way to new homes. This week, the Hooved Animal Rescue and Protection Society of Barrington oversaw the adoption of the first 10 animals from a farm in Wadsworth.

Happy Thanksgiving

In the spirit of the original celebration -- a meal of thanks shared with family and friends -- Soapbox wishes you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving.

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