
Ready, set, click: Cyber Monday

Discard those shin guards.

Remove the boxing gloves.

After doing battle in the bricks-and-mortars on Black Friday, you can shop today for holiday deals on the Internet.

Today is Cyber Monday, a term coined by about two years ago because shoppers began flocking to the Internet after elbowing their way through the crowds at the malls after Thanksgiving.

Most retailers aren't worried if you're spending more time and money on their Web sites. After all, money's money, regardless if it's in-store or online. But at least today you can wear pajamas and not get your toes smashed in the crowds.

Online retailers have worked out the bugs of previous years when they earned a black eye for crashing Web sites, inadequate supply of products or shipping problems, said Kathy Grannis, spokeswoman of the Washington, D.C.-based National Retail Federation.

"Online retailers are more prepared well in advance and are expecting this to be one of their busiest seasons," said Grannis.

An eHoliday survey done by BizRate Research said most online retailers will feature special promotions for Cyber Monday, ranging from special e-mail campaigns to one-day sales. About one-fourth of the retailers will offer free shipping on purchases. About 72 percent of the online retailers are also planning a special promotion today, up from 42 percent two years ago, the survey showed.

The Internet also is expected to have an impact on overall sales this holiday season, according to a BIGresearch survey done by The survey said the Internet will influence 30 percent of holiday sales this year, up from 29 percent last year.

Look for coupons and special deals today., which launched last year, now has about 550 online retailers that are expected to provide roughly 400 deals, promotions and other specials. Some also have been boosting their Web sites to offer more innovative services, such as at Sears.

Sears in Hoffman Estates has expanded its "Ready in 5" program for this holiday season. Customers can order items marked with the "Ready in 5" icon at and pick them up at the store within 5 minutes of arriving, without getting out of their cars. New online features include a "gift finder" that helps customers choose gifts searching by personality type, interests, product category and price range, the company said.

Also, has rolled out new capabilities for holiday shoppers, including search for products keyword or phrase, price, color, sale items and more. The site features suggested gift categories for the holidays, such as gifts for men, women, girls, boys, teens, babies, pets, families and weddings. There also are gift price options like "under $25." is owned and operated by Chicago-based Direct Marketing Services Inc.

Many other sites are available as well for eager online shoppers, including Chicago-based

"The emerging trend has been that while people do shop online, about 90 percent of them do research on products online and then later go into the store to buy it," said Vikram Sharma, chief executive officer of

Note: e-Buzz will move to Sundays, starting Dec. 2.

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