
Mount Prospect invites residents to traffic study forum on Monday

Mount Prospect residents living in the south central portion of town are invited to an open house Monday to go over stop sign changes in the area.

At 6 p.m. at Frost Elementary School, 1805 Aspen Drive, the village will talk to local residents about its neighborhood traffic study, which has been in the works for the past year.

The village is retooling its traffic signs and speed limits in various sections of town.

Just recently, the board approved a measure to make the speed on all residential streets 25 mph, except along parts of Prospect Avenue, where it will remain 30 mph, village officials said.

The village has split the town into 18 areas, working on two areas at a time.

The village is currently looking at Zone 14 -- Lincoln Street on the north, Route 83 on the east, Golf Road on the south and Busse Road on the west, and Zone 17 -- Golf Road on the north, Route 83 on the east, Dempster Street on the south and Busse Road on the west.

The village sent letters to homes in the two zones, inviting residents to the open house, said Matt Lawrie, project engineer.

Resident comments will be considered when the board votes on the changes, which could be as early as January, Lawrie said.

The village had approved changes this month in two other zones in the central part of town. The plan had called for adding some stop signs and taking out others based on studies done by the engineering department and consulting firm KLOA Inc.

Less than a year ago, the village completed changes in four zones on the west side of the village. Five other zones are now under engineering review.

The proposed changes of the neighborhood traffic study can be seen at the village's Web site,

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