
Double standard in new village already

A Dec. 13 article detailed a proposal for Lily Lake to annex 230 acres along Route 47 for a 225-home subdivision and some commercial development.

This is a project being led by Vestuto Realty and was proposed as an idea to the village of Campton Hills. It was unable to complete the deal because the village could not annex the acres required.

Another article published on the same date in another publication listed a delay in the ruling on the disconnect petition of the Moraines of Campton. One reason cited by the appointed village president was it would modify the southern village boundary and not allow them to annex additional property.

This same argument was given for the refusal of Cheval du Salle's disconnection.

Preserve Campton had as one of its founding arguments the inevitable annexation of land in the northern part of the village by Elgin. This was one of its compelling arguments.

The second was self-determination, the ability to control development within the proposed village borders. There is a draft of a current development plan which calls for additional commercial development in the Wasco Town Center as well as along Route 47 currently posted on the village Web site.

This would possibly give us more pizza parlors, hair salons and coffee houses as well as the great unknown to follow. Lord knows what would be proposed along Route 47.

Preserve Campton, which became the appointed village board of Campton Hills, seems to be at cross purposes here. It seems they wish to protect themselves from the invaders to the north but are perfectly willing to accept the role of invader to their own neighbors.

They also argue the developers will be determining our fate but seem willing to develop their own proposals with the developers of choice such as Vestuto. The residents of the village, even those who wish not to be in the village, are caught in the middle as we wait for further developments on whatever is going on behind the scenes.

The Stop Campton Hills group is accused of misinformation in attempting to accomplish its goals. It seems the village is able to proceed by giving no information about its actions and dealings.

Jayne Farrand

St. Charles

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