
All the presidential candidates flawed

No matter your political affiliation or belief, all of the presidential office seekers are candidates that the voters will have to settle for.

We will have to choose who we feel will do the less harm, not the most good.

There is Hillary Clinton claiming 35 years of experience. I keep adding up her years as a senator and even if I give her the eight years as the first lady, it still comes up woefully short of 35.

Then there is Barack Obama and his never-ending call for change. He delivers the same old dance around the issues not allowing himself to be pinned down.

There is John Edwards who cries out about there being two Americas. Here is a man who has made millions as a personal injury lawyer who cannot understand why his message is not being embraced by the general public.

There is Rudy Giuliani. Here is a man who was mayor of New York on Sept. 11, and because of this, he is qualified to be president. I'm still trying to connect the dots.

There is Mitt Romney who is talking "conservative Republicanese" after running one of the most liberal states in the union.

There is Mike Huckabee; whose first choice to help him get known to the public was to have Chuck Norris be his pitch man.

There is John McCain whose "straight talk express" would be more believable if he had started with it from the beginning of his current run for the White House.

Finally, there is Fred Thompson who as an actor seemed more energetic in any of his roles than as a real life campaigner.

I cannot put my arms around any of the candidates mentioned nor any of the others still on the ballots.

They all have flaws that seem larger than their positives. All of the candidates have been unable to truly bring across their messages in a clear and concise manner other than using the new operative word "change."

After over a year of campaigning, and another year yet to come, the only decision I know I want is a do over.

Bob Kusek

Arlington Heights

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