
Emotions decide if learning happens

This is my last comment on the issue of schools and teaching. Mr. Bill Bishop states that "Emotions obscure School Finance 101."

While the Herald may have presented in an accurate fashion the "hard financial facts" of how school districts are run, Mr. Bishop seems to forget that finance is only one among many aspects of educating our nation's children. It is an important one.

However, where the real work of education happens is not in the board of education meetings. It is done in the classroom, under the direct guidance of teachers.

This is where children either learn or they don't, and what helps them learn or not learn is almost entirely due to emotions. Do they like the teacher? Do they like the subject? Did their parents just have a fight before they came to school, making them too upset to learn? Is his girlfriend mad at him so now he can't focus? Are his parents divorcing so there's no way his mind is on chemistry? Do they just hate the confinement of the school environment? Do they believe that the only worth in something is if they're paid for it?

Obviously, I can go on, but I know the point has been made. While finances make school possible, the student and teacher decide on almost an entirely emotional basis if learning will take place. Or not.

P.S. Mr. Bishop may like to consider that his error in the spelling of my name is a factual error that creates negative emotion. Almost everything in life is based on emotion, no matter what the facts are.

Terri Grams

Elk Grove Village

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