
Psak is the choice to unseat Durbin

The majority of Illinois voters I know dislike Sen. Dick Durbin because he's very liberal and because he's anti-military. I hope that he'll lose because I'm conservative and because I was in the Navy for 21 years, including six months near Baghdad. I met the candidate who should defeat Durbin in November. The candidate is Mike Psak, a Chicago conservative who has been campaigning since 2003.

Psak is the only pro-life candidate in his race, and he supports President Bush's Iraq policies. Psak is pro-tax cuts, pro-spending cuts, anti-illegal alien, pro-gun rights, and anti-gay marriage. His petition was signed by voters who live in 96 of Illinois' 102 counties. He was endorsed by the Illinois Center Right Coalition and the Illinois Federation for Right to Life.

Please read his Web site,

Phil Collins

North Chicago

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