
Footlik always has helped people

I have followed Jay Footlik's career with great interest. I knew, from the time he was a young student at Sharp Corner School in Skokie, how special he already was and that he would "make a difference" in the world as an adult because he was already making a difference as a child.

Jay was always such a pleasure to have in class and such a thoughtful, compassionate child. Even at the age of 8 or 9, he was offering solutions to his classmates' problems. Solutions that worked!

I have never forgotten him. Thus, it did not surprise me at all when I started reading about him and the path he has chosen for himself -- still helping other people.

I voted early for Jay and have told everyone I know that I hope they will do likewise. As a retired teacher and writer who has actually quoted some of the remarkable things Jay said in my class, and as one of Jay Footlik's greatest fans, I encourage all voters in the 10th Congressional District to support Jay's campaign for change.

I know he will do the right thing for the people of our district, and I endorse him wholeheartedly.

Arlene Uslander


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