
Hoffman Estates to give scofflaws the boot

If you've got five or more unpaid parking tickets from Hoffman Estates, you're now at risk of getting the boot.

Under a new local law approved Monday, Hoffman Estates will start immobilizing the vehicles of some citation scofflaws with the dreaded Denver Boot.

The village first will warn car owners they're at risk of getting the boot, and authorities will not boot cars while they're parked on the owner's private property.

Village trustees also increased fines for a variety of parking and other vehicle violations.

The new penalties go into effect immediately, Assistant Village Attorney Dominick DiMaggio said, noting local traffic court adjourns next on Monday.

Most parking tickets will cost $30. Fire lane parking and parking permit violations, as well as most others, will cost $50. Parking in a handicapped space will bring a $250 fine.

Violators will be notified at least twice -- the first through first-class mail and the second via certified mail.

Fines for a host of other local code violations -- including jaywalking, littering, illegal fireworks and not having a rabies tag for your dog -- have all been set at $50.

Local officials say the larger fines will put Hoffman Estates more in line with state standards and bring uniformity to citation fines.

DiMaggio said the village also hoped to address the problem of unpaid tickets. Hoffman Estates has more than 100 scofflaws with 10 or more unpaid tickets, he said.

Raymond Kincaid was the sole trustee to oppose the changes. He questioned whether the main intent was to bring in more revenue.

Kincaid also said he was concerned about fines pertaining to the Smoke Free Illinois Act, which can affect individuals who disobey the ban on smoking in most public places or businesses that allow smoking.

The village doubled that fine to $100 for individuals, and made it a minimum of $250 for businesses. DiMaggio stressed those adjustments were again made to mesh with the new state smoking ban.

As for the vehicle boots, many area communities are already using them, DiMaggio said. Schaumburg started using the boot in 2002 and has a similar criteria of five unpaid tickets.

The yellow boots lock around wheels. They take only a minute to install but immobilize the car so the owner must pay outstanding fines before its removal.

In Hoffman Estates, fines also double for virtually all tickets if an alleged violator misses his or her court date or doesn't pay a fine within 10 days of being ticketed. Fines double again after a second missed court date.

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