
Health care reform relies on Scheurer

In the recent Daily Herald profile of the 8th District Democratic congressional candidates Melissa Bean and Randi Scheurer on health care, it was evident Scheurer offers the best choice.

The time has come in 2008 to have a radical overhaul of the American health care system.

It is evident that Bean prefers the Republican approach of doing nothing to correct the excesses of the current corporate controlled health insurance system.

Her support of giving workers and businesses some miniscule tax breaks will not bring health care to those millions of Americans currently uninsured.

Randi Scheurer's support of a single payer federal system that mirrors that of Western European countries and Canada is the only proposal that makes any logical sense.

Today's American dysfunctional health care system is controlled by corporate interests in insurance, pharmaceutical and hospital industries that siphon off millions of dollars into profits, CEO salaries and executive bonuses that can be better spent providing patient care.

I do not buy into the Republican corporate propaganda that countries with single-payer government health care are substandard.

There are corporate abuses that need to end. It has been shown that those in charge of America's health care industry do not have the will to make these changes. Legislation will be required from Congress, it seems. Randi Scheurer will provide the leadership needed.

Trusting Melissa Bean and Republicans in Congress to do what has to be done will only result in silly tax breaks that will do nothing to solve the American health care needs of the uninsured.

There must be a change in Congressional direction and Randi Scheurer provides that real alternative.

Gregory Mysko


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