
Agency dedicated to helping victims of sexual abuse

It was with amazement that the members of the Schaumburg Township Mental Health Board reacted to the message of a visitor to its monthly gathering.

Jim Huenink, newly appointed executive director of the Northwest Center Against Sexual Assault, visited recently to report on the agency's progress in its programs and services to residents of Schaumburg Township, offering gratefulness for the township's support.

Based in Arlington Heights, the 25-year-old Northwest Casa, as it is informally known, is funded partially by Schaumburg Township. It offers free services to victims of sexual abuse 24 hours a day every day, not only at hospital emergency rooms, but also at police departments and in court. It posts staff there "to give emotional support, provide information and give referrals."

The mental health board members were aghast when Huenink related that besides the trauma, humiliation and emotional stress of sexual assault, victims suffer further distress when they go to court.

"As advocates, we go to emergency rooms to offer information and support and we also go to court with the victims because the defense is often brutal to the victims in court," Huenink said. "No one wants to admit that these issues exist."

He said Casa sponsored a rally at the Cook County Courthouse in Rolling Meadows Feb. 19 to call attention to crime victims' rights.

Huenink, who grew up in Mount Prospect and attended schools in Arlington Heights, said victims "seem to be edging forward (to report their abuses) but figures still are grossly unreported." He went on further.

"People (in most cases) just don't believe the victim when he or she comes forth and instead most often blame them," the director said. "One in three girls and one in six boys will be abused before they reach 18. The truth about sexual assault is that (usually) the perpetrator is someone they know."

Northwest Casa, according to its brochure, is the only not-for-profit full-service agency covering the North and Northwest suburbs of Cook County that is "entirely devoted to serving sexual assault survivors and their partners, friends and families." It is located in suite 47 at 415 W. Golf Road, Arlington Heights. Its hotline -- (888) 802-8890 -- provides crisis intervention at all hours.

Victims, according to the director, often suffer post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.

There is a plan to place brochures in men's and women's washrooms to call attention to help available.

"Our counseling is designed to provide emotional support to help clients regain a sense of control over their lives," Huenink said.

Hear Heartland Voices:Ĺ’Celebrate the music of Bach, Handel and Mozart at a concert starring Heartland Voices, held at 7 p.m. March 16 at St. Marcelline Roman Catholic Church, 822 Springinsguth Road, Schaumburg. Marcelline's Minister of Music, Dr. Marc Alan Brunelle, is assistant conductor and will share his directing talents with Metropolis Chamber Orchestra Conductor Dr. John G. Slawson.

Adult tickets are $18; $15 for seniors and groups of six or more, and $10 for students with a valid school ID. Call (847) 429-9486 for further information.

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