
Don't look for election talk from Nader at Harper

When Harper College scheduled Ralph Nader to give the keynote speech at the campus' Wellness Week, the famed consumer rights activist had yet to announce his candidacy for president.

To the chagrin of detractors and delight of supporters, the 74-year-old Nader declared another White House bid in February. He's run in the past four elections, twice under the Green Party banner.

Federal Election Commission laws prevent Nader from speaking about his campaign when he arrives in Palatine to talk on "Careless Health Care" at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday.

Nader spokesman Chris Driscoll said a gifted and practiced speaker like Nader won't have difficulty making his points and connecting with the audience without being tripped by election law.

Still, 32-year-old Harper student Elaine Garcia, who works in the school's student activities office, says Nader's candidacy adds more excitement to his visit.

"I think it's really important to see a third-party kind of view," Garcia said.

Nader will likely stick to health care, perhaps speaking about his longtime support for a government-funded, single-payer health care system, similar to what Canada employs.

He'll have an opportunity to stump for his campaign Wednesday night in an appearance in Chicago at the Apollo Theater. The event is open to the public.

Sticking with Harper's theme, the school will offer a free screening before Nader's address of "Sicko," the Michael Moore documentary on the health insurance and pharmaceutical industries.

The film will be shown at 2 p.m. Tuesday -- and again at 7 p.m. Wednesday -- in Room A242ab in the Student Center, Building A. Seating is limited.

If you go

What: Presidential candidate Ralph Nader speaks at Harper's Wellness Week

When: 7:30 p.m. Tuesday

Where: Harper College Performing Arts Center at Roselle and Algonquin roads, Palatine

Tickets: $15 for general admission; student and senior citizen discounts available

Info or tickets: Call (847) 925-6100 or go to and click on "Ralph Nader in Person" on the right side

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