
Used book sale a success in Wasco

The 8th Annual Wasco Used Book Sale, held April 18, 2008, was once again extremely successful thanks to the efforts of our entire community. The PTO is extremely grateful to all who helped make this event possible, from the local businesses and news media who helped advertise the donation drive and the sale, to the volunteers who worked tirelessly sorting books and creating a book store for a day, and to the wonderful students and community members who purchased books on sale night.

Twenty dedicated volunteers prepared over 9,300 books, DVD's, educational software and VHS movies for the sale. Student donations were exchanged for over 1,700 coupons for new books, and most were redeemed at the sale. Hundreds of shoppers attended the sale, purchasing half of the items available, raising over $2,000 dollars for the PTO.

And of greater value than the funds is the opportunity to get affordable, quality books to children who want to read and to bring more reading choices into their classrooms. Several thousand unsold books were donated to schools and charities where they will enrich the lives of many more children and adults in need.

The 9th annual Wasco Used Book Sale is currently scheduled for April 24, 2009. Mark your calendars, we hope to see you there!

Mel Carroll

Christine Gerke

Cailan Keenan

JoAnne Turjanski

Wasco PTO Used Book Sale Committee

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