
Being a kid helps Mom win a Wii for her family

As parents citywide are hearing strains of "I'm booorrred" this summer break, one Rolling Meadows family is looking forward to hours of fun with a newly won prize.

They've earned a Nintendo Wii by taking first place in a national photo contest.

Tonya Aiello, a 29-year-old mom of four and avid blogger, found the contest online with the theme "The Kid in You" and put her 5-year-old to work.

"I said to my son, 'I need your help,'" she said. "'You've got to take a picture of Mommy swinging so I can enter this contest.'"

It turned out the first one he took was the best.

Tonya submitted the picture and became a finalist in the contest, sponsored by Nestle. Then she got busy asking relatives, neighbors and blogging pals to log onto the site and vote for her photo.

During voting week, the contest was constantly on Tonya's mind. "I was really excited. We wanted to win," she said.

The voting ended Monday and Tonya found out she had won the Wii.

So she gathered her children, ages 7 on down, to give them the news. "You should have heard the cheers and screaming that occurred when we told them we won," she wrote in her blog. "I seriously think it took us 10 minutes to calm them down."

Tonya spends an hour or two each day with "mommy blogs," usually when the kids are sleeping. She says her time with the blogging community helps her feel connected.

"There's a camaraderie between moms. You can read stories about what other moms have gone through with their kids, and you go, 'Ohhhh yeah.'"

You can bet not many others have won a Wii, however.

Child care: Did you know the Rolling Meadows Park District offers baby-sitting service at the Community Center? It's is available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Cost is $2 per hour per child if you're participating in a park district program. (I used it once for my daughter while I went for a run on park district jogging paths - and that counted!) If you're running errands or something else, the cost is $3.75 per hour. Register at least two days in advance by calling (847) 818-3200, ext. 234.

17 days left: If you haven't picked up your 2008-09 city vehicle sticker, there's still time to avoid any late fees. Stickers must be displayed by June 30, and without one you could be fined. Prices start at $22 for passenger vehicles, but seniors get a discount. Stickers purchased after June 30 will double in price. That's good incentive to drop by city hall, 3600 Kirchoff Road, sooner than later. Call (847) 394-8500 with any questions.

Colleen Thomas' column appears Fridays. She welcomes your news about community events and people. Call (847) 427-4591 or e-mail her at

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