
Seals true friend to environment

Congressman Kirk's new proposal to deal with the energy crisis is a blatant attempt to re-brand himself as a friend of the environment and foe of the oil companies just in time for the election. Unfortunately, his record tells a much different story.

In 2005, Kirk voted to allow exploration for oil and gas the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. That same year, he voted for President Bush's energy bill, giving almost $11 billion to oil and coal industries in the form of subsidies and tax breaks. Despite his recent efforts to stop B.P. from dumping more toxins in to Lake Michigan, Kirk voted in 2006 for a bill that cut funding in half to maintain and improve our water treatment facilities. Perhaps that's why the Sierra Club withdrew its endorsement of Kirk that year.

It didn't take Dan Seals seven years to figure out that protecting our drinking water was in the best interest of residents of the 10th District. Seals' longtime support for clean energy and drinking water makes him the better candidate to represent our interests in Congress.

Laura Knezevic

Lake Bluff

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