
How about a drinking game as Obama and McCain pour it on?

How can you make watching the Democratic and Republican national conventions fun?

Add a little drinking.

After all, that's how many politicians in Denver and Minneapolis will be suffering through the stagecraft.

Barack Obama gives his big nomination speech Thursday night, Aug. 28. John McCain takes the podium the following Thursday night, Sept. 4.

To keep you glued to the action, we've drafted a drinking game that will have you hanging, or falling down, on the candidate's every polished word.

But first, what to drink?

For McCain backers, a true supporter would stick to Anheuser-Busch products.

McCain's mega-wealthy wife, Cindy, has made hundreds of millions of dollars as one of the mega-brewers main distributors.

So, McCain champions will have plenty of refreshing options.

Anheuser-Busch brews everything from bottom-of-the-barrel Busch and malt-liquor powerhouse King Cobra to highbrow Stella Artois and Becks.

As for Obama, the real blue-bloods will land a bottle of Kenya's favorite Senator beer.

Absent a beer run to Africa, though, Obama showed a liking to Pabst Blue Ribbon on the primary campaign trail, though most believe he is a closet wine drinker.

And for the unrelenting Hillary Clinton fan - have an awkward shot and a beer.

Clinton won rowdy applause in an Indiana bar after downing a shot of Crown Royal whiskey and slamming a frothy Old Style.

Now that you're all stocked up, on to the sport:


1 sip - For every time he says: "new generation," "journey," "defining moment," "four more years" or "unity."

(We could have added "hope" and "change," but you need to be able to put down your drink at least a few times.)

2 sips - "a moment that will define a generation," "we honor the service of John McCain" or "we need to be as careful getting out of Iraq as we were careless getting in."

1 big chug - This is the big one: A diatribe connecting this election and his candidacy to the American Revolution, Civil War, Great Depression, WW II and civil rights movement.

Shot time - "red states," "blue states" and "one America." (Ahh, nostalgia.)

Pour drink on head - If he mentions Gov. Rod Blagojevich, Tony Rezko or Rev. Wright (because that is what his campaign manager will be doing backstage).


1 sip - "My friends." (Trust us, this one phrase is enough for this category.)

2 sips - "Violent extremism," "Sept. 11," "platitudes instead of principals" and "insults instead of ideas."

1 big chug - "I am part of something greater than myself" or something similar painting himself as a faithful servant to his country.

Pour drink on head - If he brings up Bush (because he would be better off bringing up Idaho Sen. Larry Craig and the bathroom over at the Minneapolis airport).

Smash beer can on head - "I can't just win this election by a few votes, in a few counties, in a few states. I need a mandate from you. Americans want this election to be different." (Because that is what his campaign manager will be doing backstage. McCain said exactly that during his New Hampshire announcement speech in April 2007, but may be happy now to beat Obama by just one vote.)

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