
Harper renovations to go to voters

The future look of Harper College will be decided in the voting booth.

A "no tax-rate increase" bond referendum will be placed on November's ballot asking residents to authorize $153.6 million worth of new and improved facilities.

The decision by Harper trustees to turn to taxpayers came in response to Thursday's report on the findings of PATH, a four-month campaign that sought community input on a campus master plan draft.

Sure, the vast majority of the 2,000 residents who responded agree the quality of Harper's buildings must be maintained.

And yes, most strongly support upgrading facilities to ensure instructional technology is up-to-date.

Just don't raise their taxes to do it.

"Quite honestly, it's all about the money," said Tom MacCarthy, PATH co-chairman and CEO of Cornerstone National Bank and Trust.

Harper is able to raise the funds without raising taxes because it's been aggressively paying off bonds authorized in the $88.8 million referendum used to build the Avante Center.

In the eight years since that referendum, Harper has paid 45 percent of the principal. As a result, the college's payments will drop considerably in 2009. However, if voters turn down Harper's request on Nov. 4, the tax rate will decrease.

With the lower rates, Harper would be able to borrow another $154 million without going to taxpayers. "We're in this position because of outstanding fiscal administration," said Trustee Bill Kelley.

Still, the sizable chunk of change would fund just 46 percent of all the $334 million worth of projects laid out in the newly adopted campus master plan. Also, if voters turn down Harper's request on Nov. 4, the tax rate will decrease.

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