
Seals not afraid to vote for change

There is one major reason to favor Dan Seals over Mark Kirk in the 10th Congressional District: Seals is a Democrat who will vote for change. Kirk is a Republican who votes with President Bush and the Republican party line 90 percent of the time. He has to - Kirk is assistant Republican party whip. This means he supported the Iraq war, No Child Left Behind,(without any funds to accomplish it), not extending unemployment benefits, no on tax credits to help homeowners and so on.

It's so deceptive that Kirk is bragging all over the district over opening the new mega-million dollar VA hospital addition in North Chicago, while all the time voting AGAINST veterans benefits: disability benefits, transitional job training, debt assistance programs that included a $28 billion dollar cut in vets' health-care benefits.

We need a change in Washington, a truly independent vote, not a 'phony independent' as Mark Kirk claims to be. That's why I'm voting for Dan Seals.

Judy Heyman

Highland Park

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