
Kirk pushing to end payments to Iran

I am writing to call attention to an important issue that has not received nearly the attention it deserves. As the U.N. Security Council passes multiple resolutions sanctioning Iran, the World Bank continues to provide hundreds of millions of dollars in development assistance to them. Our Congressman, Mark Kirk, is the leader in Congress working to stop these World Bank disbursements.

Last year, Congressman Kirk introduced a bipartisan resolution, H. Con. Res 235, calling on the United Nations Security Council to order the World Bank to end disbursements to Iran. The resolution currently has 51 bipartisan co-sponsors.

Congressman Kirk has spearheaded bipartisan letters to World Bank President Robert Zoellick, Secretary Rice and Secretary Paulson calling on them to use their respective influence to halt World Bank loan disbursements and guarantees to Iran.

Most recently, Congressman Kirk authored a bipartisan letter to Attorney General Mukasey requesting an opinion of whether the Treasury Department violated U.S. law by contributing to the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency after it had approved guarantees for developing Iran's petroleum sector.

Once again, Congressman Kirk leads while others follow. The voting public deserves to know what kind of a champion they have in Congressman Kirk. We must keep him in Congress.

Carol Deitch

Highland Park

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