
Everyday: Woman spreads God's word to drivers

The sign is rusty. The plastic letters are curled. But the messages get attention.


Drivers zipping along Route 83 might be able to ignore most of the billboards posted along the single-lane highway, but the marquee in front of the Antioch Small Engine repair shop is hard to pass up.

Most of the heavenly messages posted on the faded white sign come from the Bible, and also from the heart of Tina Gugel. She owns the business with her husband, Greg.

The year 2000 was rough for Tina. Two of her three kids sustained serious head injuries in separate accidents. Add in her "painful" divorce, and she says, "I guess God was really trying to get my attention."

"Those were dark days," Tina said. It was then she found God and began a "personal relationship with Jesus." It's a work in progress. But she says God has changed her life in amazing ways. She loves Jesus and wants others to experience what she has. And so the messages go up.

She tries to change them monthly, but some hang on longer than others.

"SATAN IS THE FATHER OF LIES" was up for a few weeks. "TAKE UP YOUR CROSS AND FOLLOW ME" was up for much longer.

Not everyone driving past is a fan. "We had some people who get a little angry," Tina said. "But I know that's because God is working on their heart."

But, Tina says, others are blessed by the Scripture. "We've had people stop in and thank us and say, 'That's exactly what I needed today.'"

She says it's not about getting people to go to her church. "It's not about religion," she said. "It's about a relationship with God. I have it and want everyone to have the same."

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