
Seals is allies with worst of old guard

Dan Seals, like most politicians this year, is trying to take a page from Barack Obama's playbook and run on a platform of reform and "change." While I'd like to take Mr. Seals at his word, I have grave doubts when I look at his circle of supporters and friends.

This spring Seals brought former Congressman and felon Dan Rostenkowski to address his Northwestern class. The class was on federal policy. How could Seals think it was remotely appropriate to hold up man who was convicted of stealing from the taxpayers as an example to people looking to work in government? That's like having an embezzler teach future accountants.

New York Congressman Charles Rangel has recently been accused of improperly using his position to save nearly $30,000 a year on the four luxury apartments he rents in New York. Instead of condemning Rangel, Dan Seals has accepted $14,000 from Rangel and allowed Rangel to hold a fundraiser for him.

Two employees of State Sen. Terry Link are currently under indictment for perjury and forgery after investigators discovered that thousands of signatures on the nominating petitions for Sen. Link had been forged. Rather than disavow Link, Seals eagerly accepts his help and proudly touts Link's endorsement on his Web site.

You cannot claim to be a new kind of politician when you accept money and support from the worst examples of the old politics. How can we elect a man who doesn't see anything wrong with what Rostenkowski, Rangel and Link have done? What kind of Congressman would he be with them as his role models? If Seals' talk of reform is heartfelt, rather than simply slick campaign messaging, he will immediately cut all ties with his three erstwhile mentors.

Sam Juster

Long Grove

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