
Kirk committed to women, children

Tragically, domestic violence is a continuing problem. There are still too many battered women and children who have nowhere to go to escape their abusers. That's why we can be grateful there are organizations such as WINGS - Women in Need Growing Stronger, to give them safe harbor.

I am very proud that Congressman Mark Kirk is helping them carry out their good works.

WINGS helps abused women and children break the pattern of abuse and violence by providing a safe place for them to stay. A WINGS safe house can host 45 women and their children each night to keep them off the streets and away from their abusers.

In 2006 the state of Illinois revoked much of WINGS's funding and it looked like the organization would have to drastically cut services. But Congressman Mark Kirk came through with a $200,000 federal grant enabling WINGS to keep their doors open and to even expand their operations.

This is just one example among many of Congressman Mark Kirk's commitment to women and their families.

Mark Kirk has been, and continues to be, a true leader when leadership counts. We are most fortunate to have Congressman Mark Kirk represent the 10th District.

Theresa Calabrese

Vernon Hills

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