
Kirk is strongest supporter of Israel

Mark Kirk is one of the strongest and most effective supporters of Israel in Congress, and any statement to the contrary is simply partisan nonsense.

For years, Kirk has worked closely with U.S. and Israeli defense experts on advanced defense technology that could protect Israel against mortal threats, including Iranian missiles. His record demonstrates a deep and unwavering commitment to protecting Israeli lives while safeguarding vital U.S. interests in a strategically important region of the world.

Three recent personal experiences have brought home Mark Kirk's importance to Israel's security:

First: On a recent trip to Israel, I spoke with an Israeli official who served in the ministry of defense and described the serious security threats posed by Hamas, Hezbullah and, of course, Iran. During our conversation, I asked him if he knew Mark Kirk. The Israeli official's response was striking. He immediately became animated and said that Mark Kirk's work is "extremely important" to Israel's security. He was particularly impressed by Kirk's command of complex strategic defense matters, stating that in his opinion, "Mark Kirk knows as much as any secretary of state." At the end of our conversation, the Israeli official said he wished he could vote in America so he could help keep Mark Kirk in Congress.

Second: While in Israel, we learned that, largely thanks to Mark Kirk's years of leading bilateral military cooperation, the United States is permanently deploying to Israel the most advanced radar and early warning systems available. This new technology will be integrated with Israel's own defense systems and linked with U.S. satellites capable of almost instantaneously cuing anti-missile interceptors. The combined U.S.-Israel system could triple the range at which Israel can detect, track and ultimately defend against Iranian missiles by blasting them out of the sky 1,000 kilometers from Israel's borders.

Third: At the recent, nonpartisan, AIPAC policy conference in Washington, D.C., we heard impressive presentations by virtually every A-list Democratic and Republican political luminary, including Barack Obama, John McCain, Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi, just to name a few. In addition, AIPAC invited a range of respected speakers from both sides of the aisle, based on expertise and contributions to the U.S.-Israel relationship. One was Mark Kirk. In impressive back-to-back sessions, Kirk described the layers of defense systems now available to Israel, largely because of his ongoing and tireless leadership. Kirk's presentations demonstrated his extraordinary expertise as well as his established bipartisan network of contacts in Congress, the U.S. military and Israel's political and military establishments.

If you believe, as I do, that Israel's security is important for moral and strategic reasons, please do not be satisfied with an untested candidate's Web site promises of support for Israel, even if the promises appear to be sincere. Platitudes and good intentions cannot substitute for an established record of leadership when it comes to securing real protection for Israeli lives and vital U.S. interests.

Steven B. Feldstein

Highland Park

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