
Kirk fights gang violence

Thank goodness Congressman Mark Kirk understands the real threat that guns and gangs are for school children even here in the 10th District. There are over 2,000 known gang members living here in the suburbs of Chicago. Congressman Mark Kirk is a leader on an agenda to protect our children.

Congressman Kirk's legislation to renew the ban on dangerous assault weapons and a crackdown on drugs and gangs has earned him the endorsement of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the Brady Campaign To End Gun Violence.

Congressman Kirk's legislation that requires background checks on all school teachers and coaches is now the law of the land.

Congressman Kirk has the endorsement of the National Education Association for his "Teacher's Safety Act," legislation that will insure that guns and drugs do not enter the classroom.

Thank you, Congressman Kirk, for all your efforts to keep our children, teachers and schools safe.

Vicki Juster

Long Grove

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