
Q&A with Biggins

1. Why are you running for this office, whether for re-election or election the first time? Is there a particular issue that motivates you, and if so, what? What will be your main priority?

Fiscal policy. Illinois is losing economic growth due to the perception that Democrats will raise taxes. Governor Blagoyovich has pledged not to raise income taxes, but he has raised spending in other areas affecting business concerns.

2. For incumbents and non-incumbents. If you are an incumbent, describe your main contributions. Tell us of important initiatives you've led. If you are not an incumbent, tell us what contributions you would make.

My two house leaders have positioned me on key fiscal committees. I also served on two suburban banks which serviced my district. I currently serve as spokesman of the revenue committee and sponsored the bill to allow Cook County taxpayers to access the State Property Tax Appeal Board.

3. Under what circumstances, if any, would you support raising the state income or sales tax? Please explain.

Almost every survey I have answered has included a question about raising taxes. Newspapers cannot resist raising tax talk. Newspapers are a declining industry. Each newspaper in the Chicago market spends a minimum of $50,000 to minimum their property tax liability. Newspapers want to raise taxes on homeowners while they decrease their own.

4. Do you support the expansion of gambling by adding slot machines at racetracks? Do you favor licensing and building new casinos? Please explain.

I thought our lives were supposed to be improved if we had more gambling. Gambling has not solved our perceived needs. What's next? Legalized male and female prostitution.

5. Would you support giving voters the ability to recall elected officials?

No, we have elections and recalls could make voters less likely to concentrate the first time they vote for someone.

6. Did you support the suburban tax increases that were used to keep the public transportation trains and buses running without cuts or fare increases?

I voted no, because I believe it was a decision to be made by local county officials.

7. If you are elected, will you vote for the current party leader of your legislative chamber? Why or why not?

No response

8. What do you think of the idea, widely circulated, of impeaching Gov. Blagojevich?

It will distract from the business of our legislative duties and wouldn't take affect until is term his nearly over anyway.

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