
Q&A with Coladipietro

1. Why are you running for this office, whether for re-election or election the first time? Is there a particular issue that motivates you, and if so, what? What will be your main priority?

My reason for running two years ago is the same as today: to serve the people of my community. Residents of the 45th District deserve a fierce advocate for their interests and a person who reflects their values. That is what I have tried to do in Springfield my first two years and the commitment will not change if I am re-elected. My focus so far has been on issues of local concern and constituent service. I am not interested in showboating or partisan games. I am interested in getting things done for the people. In general, my philosophy is to serve the public's vital needs while treating each tax dollar as precious. It is too easy to be careless with public money. People of my district already have a heavy tax burden and each dollar we take out of their pockets is a dollar they can't spend on behalf of their family. When it comes to constituent service, I have made sure that my office treats the people of my district with respect and dignity and to act swiftly to help them with their concerns. As a result, we have built a reputation for great constituent service for the community.

2. For incumbents and non-incumbents. If you are an incumbent, describe your main contributions. Tell us of important initiatives you've led. If you are not an incumbent, tell us what contributions you would make.

As I mentioned, my focus is on local issues affecting our communities and families. For example, I have championed the following legislation:

• Chief sponsor of a measure to allow DuPage County Forest Preserve to acquire and maintain open space.

• Chief sponsor of a bill to strengthen the DuPage County Sheriff's Department's crime lab operations.

• Chief sponsor of legislation to allow email notification of sex offenders in our neighborhoods.

• Chief sponsor of a bill strenthening crime victims notification.

• Co-sponsor of ethics bill ending "pay to play" practices by prohibiting state contractors from making campaign contributions to constitutional officers and requiring them to register with the Board of Elections.

• Co-sponsor of sunshine legislation creating the Illinois Accountability Portal, a website providing taxpayers with information regarding state expenditures, tax credits, state employee salaries and state contracts.

• Fought for new capital bill to repair our deteriorating roads, infrastructure and schools.

3. Under what circumstances, if any, would you support raising the state income or sales tax? Please explain.

I believe the state, under the stewardship of Governor Rod Blagojevich and other Democrats in Springfield, has mismanaged taxpayer money to an unprecedented degree. Our state finances are in shambles, pension debt is highest in the nation, and millions of dollars have been wasted via rampant corruption. The last thing I want to do is "reward" that mismanagement and corruption, which would amount to a punishment of taxpayers. With rising fuel prices and other household expenses, our citizens are already taxed too heavily and increasing those taxes would further stifle the state's economy and burden families.

4. Do you support the expansion of gambling by adding slot machines at racetracks? Do you favor licensing and building new casinos? Please explain.

In general, I believe that some common-sense modernization of our gaming laws will prove beneficial to the suburban economy by providing much-needed jobs and economic development. Arlington International Racecourse is one of the suburbs' most important economic engines. It is a well-run operation in a specialized industry that needs government to respond responsibly to allow it compete in its well- regulated marketplace. Therefore, I would favor allowing slot machines there provided tight safeguards are in place to protect the public interest. I also am open to a Chicago casino with similar tight safeguards. Such a casino would spur new tourism and convention business that currently is lost to bordering states such as Wisconsin and Indiana.

5. Would you support giving voters the ability to recall elected officials?

While I believe this tool should be used carefully, it serves the public interest to have the power to recall negligent or corrupt public officials who are not serving the public good. I voted yes on legislation that would allow voters to decide whether to amend the constitution to create this power.

6. Did you support the suburban tax increases that were used to keep the public transportation trains and buses running without cuts or fare increases?

I voted against the tax increases because I believe that taxpayers should not have to "bail out" government's mismanagement of transit systems. This philosophy is consistent with the principle I stated when I first ran for office: government needs to live within its needs. I will continue to be a strong advocate for measures that will hold our transit agencies accountable for their spending and management decisions.

7. If you are elected, will you vote for the current party leader of your legislative chamber? Why or why not?

I will support Leader Tom Cross. He is hard-working, fair, reasonable and he works in the interest of the people of Illinois.

8. What do you think of the idea, widely circulated, of impeaching Gov. Blagojevich?

As I stated above, I favor allowing the voters to decide whether they want the power to recall public officials. Impeachment is a more dramatic step and must be undertaken cautiously and according to our Illinois constitution. I will not hesitate to support impeachment of Governor Blagojevich provided legal standards are met, although a decision to bring such a case is under the control of legislative leaders. Governor Blagojevich has been a disaster for the people of Illinois, including my constituency, and replacing him would in the public interest.

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