
Q&A with Hagerty

1. Why are you running for this office, whether for re-election or election the first time? Is there a particular issue that motivates you, and if so, what? What will be your main priority?

I'm running for this office because I believe the hardworking people of Illinois deserve nothing less than officials who keep the peoples' best interests in mind when making decisions. I've enjoyed living and working in Illinois all of my life and I want this state to continue to be a high-quality place to make a living and raise a family. As a representative I will work to bring good paying jobs to the state, and to retain the ones we have. When the working people of the state are making money, they spend it. Subsequently, more jobs are created, which in turn increases the tax base. With increased revenue, the other issues facing the state can be addressed. However, my main priority will remain creating a strong economic atmosphere for all Illinois residents.

2. If you are an incumbent, describe your main contributions. Tell us of important initiatives you've led. If you are not an incumbent, tell us what contributions you would make.

I will contribute common sense and responsibility to the Illinois House of Representatives. I do not look at this position as a stepping stone to a higher position; I will serve in office for one purpose, and one purpose only-to better the lives of the people of the 45th District and the people of the state of Illinois. I truly want to represent the people of my district and get away from special-interest based politics. It is again time to have government that is by the people, for the people. All of my contributions will work towards that goal.

3. Under what circumstances, if any, would you support raising the state income or sales tax? Please explain.

At this time, I do not support raising income taxes or sales taxes. I prefer to see the tax base increased by creating more jobs. Of course, we must look at all avenues of revenue to be able to honor the commitments that have been made by the state to the hard working people of Illinois.

4. Do you support the expansion of gambling by adding slot machines at racetracks? Do you favor licensing and building new casinos? Please explain.

I could support slot machines at racetracks, if they are only in play for limited hours on race dates, but by no means creating a year round venue for slots at race tracks. I do not think there should be more building and licensing of casinos. The money that goes into the casinos is pulled out of the states' economy since there are no products or services provided. Many of the pitfalls of the gaming industry were exposed in your Daily Herald series on gambling. I believe the burdens caused by gambling far out way the revenues received by the State of Illinois.

5. Would you support giving voters the ability to recall elected officials?

There should be some sort of recourse to correct the situation if an elected official is not doing his or her job. Of course, many variables need to be taken into consideration, including the time and expense to the taxpayer and the severity of the charges. There would need to be a standard established so the process would not be abused or misused for political purposes or frivolous charges.

6. Did you support the suburban tax increases that were used to keep the public transportation trains and buses running without cuts or fare increases?

Yes, I support the increase. Public transportation is the main means of transportation for many working class people. They are dependent on it as a mode of transportation. If they cannot get to work, they cannot provide for their families. The saying "you have to spend money to make money" is accurate in this instance. Also, those families who do have vehicles are hard-pressed to use them because of the soaring price of gasoline. Those families are looking for alternatives to driving. It is essential that we work to improve our public transportation systems. It is an investment in the economic strength of the state.

7. If you are elected, will you vote for the current party leader of your legislative chamber? Why or why not?

Since I have not personally worked with the current party leader in a legislative capacity, I would be unable to make a decision at this point in time. Once elected and working in this legislative position I will be able to make a more informed decision.

8. What do you think of the idea, widely circulated, of impeaching Gov. Blagojevich?

I do not think it would be a wise decision at this time. More facts need to be presented. We must keep in mind that any impeachment proceeding would be a huge burden on state revenue and legislators' time.

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