
Q&A with Kotowski

1. Why are you running for this office, whether for re-election or election the first time? Is there a particular issue that motivates you, and if so, what? What will be your main priority?

I'm running to improve the quality of life for the people who live in my district and across our state. What motivates me everyday is the opportunity to help children, families and seniors to "achieve the decent, satisfying life that is the right of all people." I am honored to be in a position to pass laws that serve the community and make our government more responsible, efficient and effective. My main priorities include protecting the pocketbooks of taxpayers, providing quality and affordable healthcare, improving our education system, keeping our schools and communities safe, and restoring faith in our government.

2. For incumbents and non-incumbents. If you are an incumbent, describe your main contributions. Tell us of important initiatives you've led. If you are not an incumbent, tell us what contributions you would make.

I was the chief-sponsored of 15 bills and the co-sponsor 69 others that are now law. I led the fight to cap property tax assessments at 7%. I also was chief sponsor of the resolution to block the pay raise, refused my per diem during the 2007 overtime sessions, and I donated a portion of my salary for an educational scholarship. I passed a law that requires insurance companies to cover screenings for breast cancer. I passed a law to give parents the opportunity to keep their children on their health insurance plans until age 26. The law allows veterans to stay on their parents' plans until age 30. I passed laws to protect children from online predators and to increase penalties against child pornographers. I helped pass a law to force sex offenders to provide police with their emails and on-line identities. I have worked to protect taxpayers' investments in the state by requiring online posting of contracts. I sponsored legislation to stop people doing business with the state from contributing to the Governor. I was also the chief sponsor of a law to provide scholarships for children of veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

3. Under what circumstances, if any, would you support raising the state income or sales tax? Please explain.

Before turning to taxpayers, we need to restore integrity and faith in our government. We can achieve this goal by making permanent the cap on property tax assessments; increasing the amount available to property owners through homeowners exemptions; ensuring that the Governor sign much needed ethics legislation that prohibits political contributions from state contractors to state officials who oversee those contracts; paying our state bills on-time; and addressing our unfunded pension challenges through the passage of another pension obligation bond.

4. Do you support the expansion of gambling by adding slot machines at racetracks? Do you favor licensing and building new casinos? Please explain.

In May of 2008, I was one of seven Democrats to vote against HB 2651, a proposal to add new casinos and put slot machines in racetracks. Gambling is a short-term solution for revenue shortfalls and not my preferred option. This legislation needed more comprehensive options to generate revenue and economic growth in our state. Future legislation needs to focus on ways to invest in business and new technologies that create jobs and to help small businesses save money through insurance pools. Last year, I reluctantly voted for legislation to expand gaming. I did so because it was the only revenue option available at the time that did not involve higher taxes that put people to work through school construction, road and infrastructure projects, and to create alternative forms of energy.

5. Would you support giving voters the ability to recall elected officials?

Yes. We need to give voters another option to remove elected officials when they are corrupt and incompetent.

6. Did you support the suburban tax increases that were used to keep the public transportation trains and buses running without cuts or fare increases?

In January, I supported HB 656, which increased funding for Metra, PACE, and CTA and provided much needed reforms in the oversight and pension structure for these agencies. Public transportation is a lifeline for tens of thousands of people in our district. Given the rising cost of gas and the need to connect people to jobs, schools, and hospitals, it is essential that we continue to maintain and upgrade our public transportation system.

7. If you are elected, will you vote for the current party leader of your legislative chamber? Why or why not?

No. Senate President Emil Jones announced his retirement from the Illinois State Senate. During the coming year, I will have the opportunity to elect a new Senate President.

8. What do you think of the idea, widely circulated, of impeaching Gov. Blagojevich?

I was one of the few democrats in our state to publicly break with my own party and not support Governor Blagojevich's re-election in 2006. Since being elected, I have stood firmly against his tax proposals to expand government programs without consideration of those who create jobs and employ people in our state. I also was the chief sponsor of a law that requires greater transparency for the contracts that the Governor awards and the sponsor of a law that prohibits people doing business with the state from making political contributions to the Governor and those involved in giving out state contracts. I voted in favor of the bill to recall elected officials, and, as a state senator, I will be a juror in an impeachment process. Any statements that I make now about being for or against impeachment could taint the process. In light of my constitutional responsibility, I do want to say anything that could jeopardize a verdict.

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