
A negative campaign in the 10th District

It's easy to conclude from Mark Kirk's latest campaign materials that he is increasingly worried about his opponent for the 10th District congressional seat, Dan Seals.

Kirk, negative about small non-issues, has criticized the leave of absence Seals took from his job to run for Congress, making his wife the major breadwinner.

Kirk seems to find this objectionable, but there are many two parent working families in the district and in our country.

Kirk voted the Republican Party line against the Fair Paycheck Act and against the Lilly Ledbetter bill, so he himself has been against working women.

Another thing Mr. Kirk has blown up is the phony residence issue.

Kirk redrew the 10th District boundaries during his first year in Congress and thereby moved the Seals home, which had always been in the district, a few blocks outside.

It's ironic that Kirk keeps bringing this up, given the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Kirk really live in Washington, D.C. and have always lived there. Kirk owns a Fort Sheridan condo to satisfy the letter of the local residence question.

Kirk's out-of-touch mentality has guided his votes against economic relief for hard pressed 10th District families and against funding the health care and welfare needs of veterans.

What has he voted for? He has consistently voted to support the Iraq war, with its multi-trillion dollar cost, and for a $14 billion tax credit for oil companies, already reeling in record profits.

Kirk even voted twice against legislation that would have punished price gouging in the gasoline industry.

Seals took a leave of absence from work to devote full time to this campaign, because now more than ever a change is needed in Washington.

The 10th District needs a congressman who will protect the interests of the people who live here, not vote to benefit the oil industry and the pharmaceutical companies, among others.

The district needs a fiscal conservative in office, who will insist on pay as you go financing, not borrow money to run up huge deficits for our children and grandchildren to pay.

Enough is enough.

Christine Donnelly


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