
Kirk has solution to problems with Iran

We need some new and creative thinking when it comes to Iran. Right now, the debate in Washington centers on only two bad options: Maintain the status quo or attack Iran. The former will lead to a nuclear-armed Iran, the latter will destabilize the region and only set back the Iranian program a few years.

Thankfully, Congressman Mark Kirk is leading the effort in Congress to find a third way on Iran. Last year he introduced H.R. 2880, the bipartisan Iran Sanctions Enhancement Act of 2007, to expand current sanctions on Iran to companies that provide gasoline to Iran. The Islamic Republic, despite its massive oil reserves, is economically dependent on gasoline imports. An international restriction on gasoline to Iran would achieve our objectives without shot being fired.

Congressman Kirk has championed this idea for more than three years. We need this kind of outside-the-box, visionary leadership in Washington.

Herbert Rosen


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