
Kirk working to restore missile funds

Following Russia's brutal attack on Georgia last month, the United States and Poland signed a historic missile defense pact. The pact will bolster the defense of one of our strongest allies in Europe by installing a U.S. missile defense system in Poland. It will also send Russia a message: That they will not be able to bully the rest of Eastern Europe like they did to Georgia. However, last May Congress drastically cut the budget for European missile defense. This means that even though Poland wants our help, and we want to give it, there won't be any money to put the plans into effect. This situation is both bizarre and frustrating.

As he has done so many times before, Congressman Kirk is working to cut through the red tape and restore the funding. He announced that as soon as Congress returns from recess he will introduce legislation to restore missile defense funding and fulfill our treaty with Poland. Our honor and our national interest demand no less. We must check Russian aggression and show our allies that we will stand up with them. We need a watchdog like Congressman Kirk in Congress where he will continue to work for the good of the country first!

Don Dowd


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