
Government must focus on people

We've been told that Dan Seals and Rep. Bean don't get it. What I don't get is how an independent, environmentally focused representative could endorse drilling in a natural setting. What else I don't get is why it took him until June of this year to write legislation aimed at energy independence that has two supporters and is stuck in committee. Was gas not expensive in previous years? Why didn't this occur after his news conference about the energy crisis two years ago? This is window dressing at its finest. He's learned well from the person he has been known to vote consistently with upward of 75 percent of the time: George Bush. Also, how will John McCain allow us to not be addicted to oil if he is not in favor of improved mile-per-gallon standards? You cannot just bomb and drill your way out of problems; sometimes, thoughtful, evidence-based approaches are helpful

Also, the reaction to the RNC convention was criticized. Adults chanting 'drill baby drill,' in favor of a man who sang 'bomb bomb bomb Iran' is not the most prudent approach to politics we Americans have seen in decades, now is it?

This is not a game about who made the biggest promise most recently. ("Read my lips.") This is about whether we want to ensure future wars, GI deaths, and broken promises to GIs and veterans alike or if we are willing to pursue a true change in direction toward a government that is focused on the people, not the corporation or the Republican Party.

Marc Feldstein


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