
Why doesn't Kirk admit he's GOP?

Is Mark Kirk ashamed to admit he's a Republican? He never mentions his party in his commercials, in his written materials, in his speeches. He wants us to believe he's an "independent" voice, but he actually votes the Republican Party line.

Kirk's robotic party-line votes include authorizing and supporting the multi-trillion dollar Iraq war, approving enormous tax cuts for the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans, giving $14 billion in tax credits to oil companies and voting "yes" to forcibly insert a feeding tube into Terry Schiavo, brain-dead for 14 years.

He has joined congressional Republicans in voting against providing health and welfare benefits for returning veterans, voting against relief for homeowners facing foreclosure, against tax credits for first time home buyers, against the 2007 Children's Health and Medicare Protection Act, against competitive bidding to reduce pharmaceutical prices, against job stimulation and creation, against extending unemployment insurance, against stronger regulation on predatory lenders.

Kirk claims to be pro-choice, pro-gun control, and pro-environment, yet he supports leaders diametrically opposed to these positions, such as John Boehner of Ohio.

Boehner, the current House Minority leader, is anti-choice, anti gun control and anti environment.

Wendy Hermes

Arlington Heights

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